Commercial Flooring Fitted in Bramhall
Commercial Flooring in Bramhall Fitted in the Kitchen of a Restaurant.
If you are a business owner, you will know that time is money. For every second that ticks by when you are not operational, your business is not earning money, so when work needs to be done on your business premises, it needs to be done with minimum disruption, and as quickly and efficiently as possible, without compromising on quality. That’s when Cheadle Floors can help.
As a commercial floor layer in Bramhall, we have been employed by a wide range of commercial establishments to fit new commercial flooring in Bramhall. Whether it’s a pub or restaurant, a shop or office you can expect the highest level of quality and great results. We will always cater to your needs and work at a time that is convenient to you, so if that means working unsociable hours, we are happy to do it, to ensure it doesn’t impact on your business.
As a commercial floor layer in Bramhall, Cheadle Floors was asked by the owners of Brooklyn Quarter restaurant to fit new commercial flooring in Bramhall in their kitchen. Once the space had been cleared and the floor brushed and some of the old tiles taken up, we applied a fast setting smoothing compound. Using a smoothing compound ensures that we have a level surface to work with, so no lumps or bumps. The fact that it was fast setting meant that for our restaurant owner, it would reduce the down time for their business.
Once the smoothing compound had set, we then fitted Polyflor Polysafe vinyl flooring in Ebony. This kind of flooring is perfect for a commercial setting as it is slip resistant and highly durable. You can see what the flooring looked like once in place, from the photographs included.
Are You a Business Owner and Looking for a Commercial Floor Layer in Bramhall?
If you want to upgrade or revamp your commercial flooring in Bramhall we are here to help. We will plan with you what flooring to fit and when to fit it, so that your business can continue to function with minimum disruption. Call commercial floor layer in Bramhall, Cheadle Floors on 0161 327 2158 to find out more.